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Looking back at activities in Groningen

From 6 to 14 August 2017 train traffic between Groningen and Assen / Winschoten was not possible. During that period, the Combinatie Herepoort worked day and night at the Esperanto street railway crossing and at the future Helperzoom tunnel. In this film by photographer Chantal van den Berg we can look back to this period. 196 hours of work is summarized in less than 4 minutes.

In this period we contributed by:

  • conducting geotechnical research and engineering of the planned activities;
  • drawing up risk analyzes and contour plans;
  • drafting and conducting monitoring activities;
    -monitoring of the environment (vibration);
    -monitoring of the realization (groundwater levels and pore water pressures;
  • assisting with the realization based on the monitoring results.

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