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Research MSH in Amaliahaven

At the request of the Bureau of Oudheidskundig Onderzoek Rotterdam (BOOR), Peter Slenders and Berry Brink of Marine Sampling Holland (MSH) carried out drilling with the MS Jupiter in the turning basin of the Amaliaport Maasvlakte-2.

The turning basin is designed for large vessels. The basin has a diameter of approximately 700 m and a water depth of approximately 20 m-NAP. In the basin sand will be mined at a depth of 45 to 46 m- NAP. After the mining, the mine can be used as a (temporary) land depot. Any archeological objects in the area to be dredged will be destroyed during dredging and therefore an exploratory investigation is carried out prior to the sand mining. 

The samples are investigated by BOOR. If valuable archaeological objects are found the location will be sampled separately during the sand mining.
